Cloaking VFX | Technical Documentation

Thanks for your interest in my Cloaking VFX project. On this page you’ll find a technical breakdown of each asset contained within, and some guidance on how to integrate the effect and its associated systems into your own project.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns you may find them addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions section at the bottom of this page. If you can’t find what you’re looking for you can reach me at and in the techarthub Community Discord server.

Table of Contents


This Blueprint Component is where most of the magic happens.

When attached to an Actor it will create the necessary Material Instances that drive the effect and assign them to any Mesh Component that has the CloakComponent Component Tag. You can find several examples of these in action within the CloakingVFX Demo level that comes bundled with the project.

I decided to use an Actor Component because I felt it made it easier to add a Cloaking Device to any mesh object. It’s also part of a framework I’d like to use for similar modular upgrades in the future.



Sets the target Cloak Radius (ie. the overall size of the effect) to either its maximum value (Cloak) or zero (Decloak) before setting bCloaking to true to start animating the Materials.

Get Cloak Components

Loops through all of the Owning Actor’s components and adds any with the CloakComponent tag to an array of Cloak Components.

Create Materials

Creates the required Material Instances for the effect (based on your Material Settings values) and applies them to your Cloak Components.

Create Sound

Spawns and attaches an Audio Component to the Owning Actor from which we can play a looping cloak sound.

The Create Materials, Create Sound, and Get Cloak Components functions only need to fire once on Event Begin Play.

Randomize Cloak Origin

Generates a new randomly placed origin point for the Cloaking effect by tracing inwards from the edge of the Owning Actor’s bounds.

If you’d like the Cloaking effect to always start from a specific position you can bypass this function and just set the Cloak Origin value directly.

Update Origin

Updates the Origin vector value across all Materials. This is usually only fired when this location changes (via the Randomise Cloak Origin function) or when the object is moving.

Update Cloak

Interpolates the Cloak’s Mask Radius towards its target and updates the sound volume/pitch to match.

Draw Debug Objects

An optional function which will update some debug spheres to help illustrate what’s happening underneath the hood. Set the bDebug bool to true to enable them.


All of the variables in the project have been given internal descriptions but if something doesn’t make sense you’re probably not the only one to notice, so please let me know!

Sound Settings

SoundThe looping Sound Cue that will play when the effect is active.
VolumeThe maximum volume of the cloaking sound.
Volume CurveA Float Curve that defines the volume of the cloaking sound over the duration of the effect.
Pitch MinThe minimum pitch of the cloaking sound.
Pitch MaxThe maximum pitch of the cloaking sound.
Pitch CurveA Float Curve that controls the pitch of the sound over the duration of the effect (bound by the Pitch Min and Pitch Max values.)

Material Settings

These are the values that govern the Material side of the effect.

Base MaterialsA map of Materials and Material IDs that correspond to each of the meshes that will have the effect applied. These Materials will be used to create the Instances used by the Cloaking effect.
Cloak MaterialThe Material to use when the Cloaking effect is visible.
Base Normal MapAn optional normal map that can be added to the Cloak Material, which is blended with Cloak Pattern normal.
Edge TintThe color of the edge between Cloaked and not-Cloaked parts of the mesh.
Edge WidthThe width of the edge in centimeters between the cloaked and not-cloaked parts of the mesh.
Distortion MapThe texture used to drive the edge distortion.
Distortion ScaleThe world space scale of the Distortion Map.
Distortion IntensityThe intensity of the edge distortion.
Distortion SpeedHow fast the Distortion Map coordinates should pan, making the effect animate even if the Cloak Radius isn’t being updated.
Distortion OffsetOffsets the Distortion Map’s coordinates. This is useful if you’ve got multiple identical meshes lined up (like I have in the Demo level) and you want the distortion effect to be different for each Actor.

Other Settings

bDebugEnables a few debug spheres that help illustrate how the effect works, which can be useful when fine-tuning the effect.
SpeedThe speed of the cloaking transition.
Cloak Radius MinThe minimum size of the Cloaking Radius. This value is also used to offset the sphere mask from the object within the Randomize Cloak Origin function.
Cloak Radius MaxThe maximum size of the Cloaking Radius. This will be specific to your particular use case.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this effect work in Unreal 5.0?

Yes and no. I am taking advantage of a new feature in Unreal 5.1 called an Overlay Material (it’s so new I don’t even think it has official documentation yet) which lets me draw a transparent cloaking pattern Material underneath a masked base Material.

Without this feature the effect is still doable, but we’d have to use multiple meshes to get the same result. If you’re still keen to get it to work, shoot me an email. If there is enough interest I’d be happy to make a variant for UE5.0.

I am a technical artist from Adelaide, Australia. I created techarthub to share my knowledge and love for this industry. I hope you feel it too!

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